Renka Ikebana
蓮華 "Lotus Flower"Welcome! I'm excited to invite you into the world of Sogetsu Ikebana and hope you'll join me for classes.
Sogetsu (founded in 1927) is one of the more "modern" ikebana schools and ultimately offers the ikebana artist utmost freedom of expression. At the same time, it offers the foundation of a deep and thorough training. Students work at their own pace, with the Sogetsu textbooks and a teacher as a guide. It is truly a different world one enters into — students often report with delight that their entire way of seeing the world has shifted in just a few lessons! Please explore the various links below for more information and inspiration. The class schedule is below.
All classes are hybrid zoom/in-person (inner SE Portland). Due to demand, I cannot accept new zoom/remote students at this time.
Masks are mandatory for in-person classes at this time, and there is a HEPA filter in the classroom. Classes are $20, with a materials fee for new students of $15. (Established students bring their own plant materials.)
Student Work:
Are you interested in joining in-person classes? Check out the details below, and fill out this very brief form. There will likely be a wait until you can join due to class sizes, but I'll be in touch soon. Thank you for your understanding and patience. (You will find my email address at the bottom of the form page.)
There are periodic "First Lesson" classes during which I will demonstrate the first arrangement in the textbooks, and students complete their first lesson. After this class, students can attend one of the ongoing classes below.
Fridays 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm pacific
Saturdays 10 am - 12 pm pacific
Links for current students:
Quick link to Pay Class fee (only), or visit the online store to order a textbook or materials (local only).
Ikebana resources on google drive (you need to be a current student to access this folder).
Gallery of Renka student ikebana. (The same album in the slide show above.)
Necessary Tools and Containers:
Check out the beginner's shopping list on (You'll need to register, sorry... but it's free.) You will not need everything on the list. You are welcome to borrow tools and containers for class if we are in person, but eventually you will want your own. A good basic container for your first lessons is 11"-12", ceramic or plastic, black or white, and round, like this.
Browsing and Inspiration:
The Japanese Room at Sogetsu School Headquarters building in Tokyo. Always something new by a Master ikebanist.
Ikebana International Headquarters Check out the "Schools" page!
A gorgeous ode to the Gloriosa lily, and a NYTImes article about the same.
How do I use hasami in the first place? Caring for your hasami, removing rust and cleaning your hasami, sharpening your hasami (NEW) (don't ever take them apart!). So You Think Your Ikebana Hasami Are Just Scissors?
What's that? Check out this visual guide to identify almost any commercially available material.
A demonstration by Kasumi Teshigahara the enchanting Second Iemoto (Headmaster) of the Sogetsu School. (20 mins.)
What does it mean? The secret Japanese language of flowers: Hanakotoba.
The three elements of ikebana: Line, Mass, and Color. An introduction by Ekaterina Seehaus.
Choosing and caring for cut Hydrangea and Hellebores.
Of interest:
My current ikebana album, Florilegium: